I now have a little bit of time (nonetheless at work) to sit down and blog my first on Food 4 Thought! Of course, I'm going to go over the big story of the weekend... and that was, the movie we all waited so long for: 'Dark Knight'
Just to give you the magnitude of the movie this weekend.
1. $155.3 million - new record (Previous $151.1 Million by Spiderman 3)
2. Biggest single-day gross for a movie ($67.9 million)
3. Largest midnight preview ($18.5 million)
4. Most opening theaters (4.366)
5. Record movie sales in total for top 12 films ($249.6 million)
Well, I'm sad to say I haven't contributed to those numbers, but I will tomorrow night. Already bought tickets for 'The Dome' (Arclight theaters) in Hollywood. But, I have to gloat and say that I predicted that this movie would break some records.
Now, what was the combination for the movie's success?
1. Plot / storyline?
2. Directing?
3. A fallen, star actor
4. Effects / music?
5. Marketing
6. Others
Would the marketing have been as successful, without the death of Heath Ledger? We'll never know!
The Return of the Old
8 months ago
Movie was super dope. Damn near 3 hours, but definitely worth the whole $7 I spent for the matinée. For those of you who haven't seen it, please do yourself a favor a become a part of history. For those who have already seen it, WHY SO SERIOUS??
Welcome Janson to Food 4 Thought. Excellent first post by the way.
For those of you who don't know who Janson is, he is a good friend of mine who used to live here in the Valley, but now resides in Santa Monica, home of the yuppies.
only cool people live on the westside!! See paul now you have 2 reasons to visit Santa Monica, 1 time!!!!
Hey Paul,
Not sure if you recognize me from any of my comments over the last month (the California DJ guy). I’ve been digging your blog, particularly the video posts which I had commented on. I am assembling a short list of savvy bloggers with consistently interesting posts in preparation of the launch of my company’s site Redux, and of the thousands of sites I've come across, yours is one of the few I am reaching out to. The concept of Redux is to help people discover interesting stuff that’s slightly off the beaten path (not unlike your blog). Naturally, I would love to have you check it out and see if it deserves your attention. Here’s an unique invite code to get in for free:
Hit me up anytime ( works the best) and let me know what you think.
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