Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Haters Take 2 Steps Back!!

"Work it, make it, do it, Makes us harder, better, faster, STRONGER!"

That's right, Kanye West and the gang will be back in the Valley on June 8th for their Glow In The Dark Tour. You better believe I'll be at Arena for that one! Back in 2001-2002, when Kanye was still fresh on the scene with his debut album The College Dropout and nobody even knew who John Legend was, a few of my boys and I went to check out The College Dropout Tour which was at a smaller venue at Marquee Theater in Tempe. Man, lemme tell you, the show was off the hook. Probably the best concert I've been to in my life! He had Dilated Peoples open for him and they got the crowd hype!! I remember my boy Dewitz was about to scrap a girl cause she grabbed his hat! We had front row seats and everything for $30. Hope this time around is just as good.

As some of you may know, Raja Bell suffered a high ankle sprain last Wednesday night while playing against the Seattle Supersonics. Ironically, I too suffered a high ankle sprain last Wednesday playing pick up ball at LA Fitness. Its been a week now and the swelling has gone down immensley. However, it is still pretty tender and certainly a sight for sore eyes. The color of my right foot resembles the same colors as the Phoenix Suns, purple and orange (kinda orange). Anyways, I thought that Raja would be out for some time but he was playing on Monday night against the Pistons. So the question is....should I play tonight in my city league championship game? I bought a nice ankle brace and my ankle doesn't hurt when I walk on it. But I do know that it should be rested.


DeWitz said...

How Ironic, I was just talking about that concert today with one of my boys who is out here visiting me... Dope show, forgot about that broad.. she was close to get Tina Turner-ed.

Raja has the best people in arizona working on his ankle non stop, treatment after treatment.. you on the other hand, might of iced down your ankle once... there is a difference.. and he has heart.. you have none.. lol

Paul S. Lee said...

So much heart I need a Mayo Clinic. Nevertheless, I played limited minutes and we ended up winning the City of Gilbert Men's League. Nuff said.

Joe said...
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Joe said...

hahahaha, the scoreboard is lookin' like this

dewitz:1 paul.lee3000:0

Does that mean you're coming to the show?